
This is a specialist physiotherapy and occupational therapyintervention that uses the 3 dimensional movement of the horse in walk to correct and improve movement, balance, core strength, in the person on the horse. It has been shown to benefit children with cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, brain and spinal cord injuries and many other people with movement disorders. Research has shown that the functional ability of these people improves following a course of Hippotherapy and can be maintained over a follow up period. Children with autism and other learning disabilities have also benefitted from this form of therapy.

Equine Assisted Therapy

This uses the interaction with the horse to promote mental well-being. This usually does not involve sitting on the horse, just being around the horse. A relationship with a horse can offer challenges to overcome fears, build up trust, respect, compassion, develop communication skills, problem solving and coping techniques, self confidence and self-esteem. These skills are transferable to many other areas of ordinary life.

Pony Petting

This activity utilises the pony experience, being around our two miniature Shetlands who are quiet and friendly and loved being fussed, through patting, stroking, cuddling, brushing. This is a highly sensory and emotional experience. Making a new friend can help with confidence, relationship building, communication, social interaction and promote relaxation and wellbeing. Being small, these ponies can also travel and are available for visits to schools, care homes, day centres, special needs centres and rehabilitation settings.


REACH will provide physiotherapy assessments to advise on particular programmes of management for different conditions, or as part of a multidisciplinary approach to the management of different conditions to determine whether current provisions of care is appropriate.  REACH is one of the few centres that offer the holistic approach to treatment and management of different conditions, with an advisory role to refer on and provide contacts for other services.

Educational Support Services and Qualifications

To support our aim and value statement we will provide support to the public that wish to learn and further their qualifications in horse care and physiotherapy.   The centre will provide an opportunity to have work experience students from animal care courses at local colleges, physiotherapy students and school children for work experience and community based voluntary work. REACH will also employ Apprentices studying for their City and Guilds in Horse Care. Contact us for more information

 In addition, we will offer Special Educational Needs schools regular weekly opportunity to either bring their children to the centre as part of an extracurricular activity and or have a pat therapy session at the school.   Such activities will provide an alternative to the usual curricular programme.

REACH is a training provider for ASDAN which is a charity / awarding body for education with the aim of enhancing education and learning opportunities to develop personal and social attributes and levels of achievement through ASDAN awards and resources, and the relief of poverty, where poverty inhibits such opportunities for learners. Such courses could include Animal Care, Community Volunteering Qualification, Disability and Sports Awareness.